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Ghosts at Ashford Photographic Society
30 Nov 2015

Creating Levitation at Ashford Photographic Society


On Friday 27th November 2015 I was invited to give my talk titled “Ghosts – How to create floating people easily” at Ashford Photographic Society, for the first time I added some extra lighting techniques to the talk which helped fill in extra time I found I had on previous runs of this talk. The evening was well received with a fantastic turn out, and despite a few technical difficulties we successfully managed to create the imagery that we were after.

Here are the two images that we started with:

0Q6A9808 0Q6A9811

When combined using Photoshop and adding this texture:


The final image resulted looking like this:

0Q6A9811 copy

After shooting the two images needed I then showed a simple 2 light set up to create a beauty head shot, using a large softbox as the background metered at F/16 and a shoot through brolley at the front set at F/8. A reflector was then used to complete the Clam Shell set up ligting the shadows under the models chin and eyes. Below is the final result:

0Q6A9830 copy


Step by step guide: Download Here
X-Rite Colour Checker: 

Colour Passport for RAW
This is a great tool for getting your colours correct and fixing your white balance. Comes with software that generates a profile specific to your camera. If you are colour blind this is a must!

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